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How to Tell if It’s Allergies or a Cold

Not sure if that sneezing is from a cold or allergies? Answer the following questions to figure out what’s causing your symptoms, so you can treat them accordingly. 

Is it allergies or cold: runny nose?

Do you have a runny nose?

YES, it’s like Niagara Falls: If it’s a thin, clear discharge, it’s most likely a sign of allergies. If it’s thick and sticky, it’s most likely a cold.

NO, my nose isn’t runny: The most common symptom of allergies or a cold is a stuffy, runny nose. So, you don't have either!

Is it allergies or cold: fever?

Is your body temperature normal?

YES, it’s 98.6: Allergies usually don’t cause a fever.

NO, I have a fever: Ugh. One of the worst things about a cold is the fever that may accompany it.

Is it allergies or cold: aches and pains?

Are you free of aches and pains?

YES, my body feels OK: Allergies are not usually accompanied by an aching body.

NO, I’m achy: An aching body usually means that you have a cold rather than allergies.

Is it allergies or cold: symptoms devlop quickly?

Did your symptoms develop quickly?

YES, they developed quickly: Allergy symptoms flare up as soon as you’ve come into contact with an allergen.

NO, they developed slowly: Cold symptoms can take several days to develop.

Is it allergies or cold: hot or cold?

Is the weather warm?

YES, it’s warmer outside: Allergies are more common during the warmer months when the air is filled with pollen.

NO, it’s chillier outside: Colds are more likely to develop in … colder weather. ;-)

If you answered yes to most of these questions, you probably have allergies. There are many different types of allergy symptoms, but if nasal congestion seems to be the biggest problem, RHINOCORT® can help.